Software for Statistical Folding of Nucleic Acids and Studies of Regulatory RNAs

Tuesday April 23, 2024

128722 searches since April 21, 2013
Select species
Select one or more microRNAs from the dropdown list, or enter one or more microRNA names into the text box.

Enter one or more mirBase names separated by spaces or commas.
(e.g. hsa-let-7-5p, mmu-miR-299)
Enter the Genbank accession number(s) or gene symbols(s) of the target(s)

Enter one or more accession numbers or gene IDs separated by spaces or commas.
(e.g. NM_000024, NM_000021, NM_000017, LIN54)
Show the most relevant features in the interactive viewer
Show all computed features in the interactive viewer
Select a probability. No site with a logistic probability less than the selected value will be displayed.

Sfold 2.2
- Ding RNA Bioinformatics Lab